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Psychometric Properties of Farsi Version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (FTAS-20) mohammad محمد علی بشارت nevisandeh election
Reversal Theory and Emotional Processes in the Low-Conflict and High-Conflict Mother-Daughter Dyadic Interactions mohammad ربابه غفار تبریزی nevisandeh election
An Examination of the Process of Symptom Change in Behavioral Activation and Cognitive Therapy for Depression mohammad کیت s دابسون nevisandeh election, mohammad لادن فتی
Psychometric Properties of the Spence Children__AWT_QUOTE__s Anxiety Scale with an Iranian Sample mohammad رقیه موسوی nevisandeh election, mohammad علی رضا مرادی, mohammad ولی اله فرزاد, mohammad سید اسماعیل مهدوی هرسینی, mohammad اسپنس اسپنس, mohammad شکوه نوابی نژاد
The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Mental Health in the Personnel of an Oil Refinery in Iran mohammad حسین شکرکن nevisandeh election, mohammad عبدالکاظم نیسی
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