Relationship between Management Support of Ethical Behaviors and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction Considering the Moderating Role of Four Demographic Variables
دکتر mohsen golparvar نویسنده مسیول ، دکتر mohammadali nadi ، آقای seyed omid tabatabaei  |
چکیده: (4121 مشاهده) |
This study aimed at examining the relationship between the management support of ethical behaviors and satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with promotion, satisfaction with coworkers and supervisors, and satisfaction with work with respect to the moderating role of four demographic variables (i. e., gender, age, marital status, and tenure). To this end, 477 teachers (113 males and 365 females) were selected using convenience sampling from all teachers teaching at different-school levels (primary, secondary, and high school) in the city of Isfahan, Iran, to respond to the research questionnaires. The questionnaireswere Golparvar and Nadi’s (2010) management support of ethical behaviors and Viswesvaran et al’s(1998) job satisfaction questionnaire (including payment, promotion, coworkers , supervisors and work itself). For each of the participants, four variables of gender (male & female), age (up to 40 & 41 and above), marital status (single & married), and tenure (up to 15 years & 16 years and above) were also considered. A moderated hierarchical regression analysis was employed to analyze data drawn from the questionnaires. Results indicated that gender moderates the relationship between the management support of ethical behaviors and satisfactions with supervisor. Age also played a moderator role in the relationship between the management support of ethical behaviors pay, promotion and coworkers. Finally, tenure also moderates the relationship between management support of ethical behaviors and satisfaction with pay. The salient findings of this research are that, the management support of ethical behaviors at work settings is a necessity for some job satisfaction facets of younger teachers with less tenure. |
نوع مطالعه: پژوهشي |
موضوع مقاله:
عمومى دریافت: 1400/7/3 | پذیرش: 1400/8/23 | انتشار: 1400/8/23