The Relationship between Materialism and Marital Satisfaction by Meditating the Perception of Marriage Importance
Mohammad Nazaripour , Babak Zakizadeh  |
Department of Accounting, Hazrat_e Masoumeh University (HMU), Qom, Iran |
Abstract: (423 Views) |
The individual opinion towards different issues of life affects the way they behave in marital relationships. Also, people's view on money and material things is important for the quality and quantity of marital relations. The present study attempts to investigate the relationship between materialism and marital satisfaction with mediating the perception of marriage importance. In terms of the method, this study was descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of this study included married people. The sample size was determined to be 308 people, by using available sampling. The setting of this research was the Khuzestan province of Iran. The period of data collection was the second and third seasons of 2023. To collect data related to marital satisfaction, the study of Fowers & Olson (1993), materialism from the research of Richins (2004), and the perception of marriage importance from the study of Li (2011 and 2015) were used. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the research data. According to the research findings, there is a significant correlation between marital satisfaction, materialism, the perception of marriage importance, age, and income. The research findings show the variables of materialism, age, and income decrease marital satisfaction, and on the other hand, the perception of marriage importance increases marital satisfaction. In addition, the perception of marriage importance had a mediating effect on the relationship between the variables of materialism, age and income with marital satisfaction. In general, the findings of this study are compatible with the incompatibility of materialism and children model, as well as the marital paradigms theory. This means that one opinion towards marriage affects their willingness to get married.
Keywords: perception of marriage importance, marital paradigms theory, marital satisfaction, materialism |
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Type of Study: Research |
General Received: 2024/07/3 | Revised: 2024/11/1 | Accepted: 2025/01/7 | Published: 2025/01/30
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Nazaripour M, Zakizadeh B. The Relationship between Materialism and Marital Satisfaction by Meditating the Perception of Marriage Importance. ijpb 2023; 17 (2) :35-62 URL: