مقالات منتشر شده در نشریه با بیشترین تعداد مشاهده |
The Effect of Induced Positive and Negative Mood on Creativity (9336 مشاهده) |
Academic Procrastination and its Relationship with Self-Esteem and Life Satisfaction (4896 مشاهده) |
The Relationship of Personality Type, Social Trust and Social Desirability among the Homeless Adolescents Living in Zahedan Welfare Organization Hostels (4839 مشاهده) |
Psychometric properties of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21) in a non-clinical Iranian sample (4741 مشاهده) |
Goal Orientations, Role Conflict and Ambiguity: Predictors of Competitive Anxiety in Athletes (4690 مشاهده) |
Psychometric Properties of the Spence Children__AWT_QUOTE__s Anxiety Scale with an Iranian Sample (4595 مشاهده) |
Attentional Performance in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder (4592 مشاهده) |
The Study of Mediating Effects of Cognitive Factors on Links between Behavioral Inhibition and Social Anxiety (4537 مشاهده) |
The Relationship between Internet Use and Psychological Health Status among University Students (4531 مشاهده) |
Relationships between Coping Strategies and the Severity of PTSD in Iranian Veterans of the Iran-Iraq War (4504 مشاهده) |
The Direct and Indirect Relationships of Emotional Intelligence with Mental Health and Academic Performance with the Mediating Role of Resiliency and Self-Efficacy in Medical Students of Ahvaz Medical Sciences University (4483 مشاهده) |
A Study on the Relationship among Meta-Memory, Meta-cognitive Vocabulary and the Role of Theory of Mind in Persain Young Children (4429 مشاهده) |
The Effectiveness instruction of the Savikas Career Construction Theoryon Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of the Unemployed Jobseekers Supported by Unemployment Insurance (4421 مشاهده) |
The Predictive Effect of Emotional Intelligence and its Components on Anger and Aggressiveness in Soccer Players (4421 مشاهده) |
Study of the Relation between Information Levels, Motivation and HIV Risk Perception and Risky Sexual Behaviors among Students of Razi University (4416 مشاهده) |
Attentional bias for angry facial expression in anxious children (4410 مشاهده) |
The Effects of Group Hope Therapy on Depression, Hopelessness and Hope of Female Students in Isfahan University (4404 مشاهده) |
The Rrelationship between the Big Five Personality Traits and Happiness with the Mediation Role of Religious Orientation among Students (4387 مشاهده) |
The Efficacy of acceptance and commitment based therapy (ACT) on depressive symptoms and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in depressive students (4366 مشاهده) |
The Effect of Art Therapy Based on Painting Therapy in Reducing Symptoms of Social Phobia in Elementary School Boys (4351 مشاهده) |
The Interaction Between Sacrificing Behaviors and Equity Perception: How Does It Contribute to Marital Intimacy? (4307 مشاهده) |
The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Prediction of the Features of Borderline Personality in University Students (4281 مشاهده) |
The Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Workplace Deviance with the Mediating Role of Workplace Exclusion (4280 مشاهده) |
Short Version of the Big Five Inventory: Testing for the Factorial Invariance across Parents with Normal and Exceptional Children (4257 مشاهده) |
Relationship between Personality Disorders and Types of Drugs Used in Addicts (4252 مشاهده) |
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مقالات منتشر شده در نشریه با بیشترین تعداد دریافت فایل |
Dyslexia and the Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses: Wechsler Intellectual Profile of Students with Dyslexia (5324 دریافت) |
Cross-cultural Study of the Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms and Its Severity in Iranian and Indian Adolescents (3888 دریافت) |
Clock Face Drawing in Children with Learning Disabilities: An Old Problem Revisited (3783 دریافت) |
The Relationships of Job involvement, Responsibility and Job Satisfaction with Job Burnout (3783 دریافت) |
The Direct and Indirect Relationships of Emotional Intelligence with Mental Health and Academic Performance with the Mediating Role of Resiliency and Self-Efficacy in Medical Students of Ahvaz Medical Sciences University (3782 دریافت) |
Mediating the Role of Attachment Styles in Predicting the Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Marital Satisfaction (3767 دریافت) |
The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Prediction of the Features of Borderline Personality in University Students (3764 دریافت) |
Spiritual Intelligence as a Predictor of Mental Health Problems among High School Students (3760 دریافت) |
The Effects of Mental Imagery and Relaxation on the Rate of Anxiety, Depression, and Hopefulness in Women Suffering from Breast Cancer in Ahvaz Golestan Hopsital (3753 دریافت) |
The Impact of Social-Cognitive Categorization of Others on Implicit and Explicit Empathy (3750 دریافت) |
Predicting Early Maladaptive Schemas by Young Parenting Styles (3748 دریافت) |
Investigating the Mediating Role of Facial Emotion Recognition in the Relationship between Cognitive Functioning and Social Performance in Patients with Schizophrenia (3743 دریافت) |
Comparing Personality Types with Educational Disciplines: A Cross-Cultural Study in Iranian and American Students (3743 دریافت) |
The Predictive Effect of Emotional Intelligence and its Components on Anger and Aggressiveness in Soccer Players (3742 دریافت) |
Attachment to God and Perceived Childhood Attachment in an Iranian Sample: An Investigation of Granqvist‘s "Correspondence" and "Compensation" Hypotheses (3740 دریافت) |
Relationship of Stress Coping Strategies and Life Satisfaction among Students (3739 دریافت) |
The Effectiveness instruction of the Savikas Career Construction Theoryon Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy of the Unemployed Jobseekers Supported by Unemployment Insurance (3738 دریافت) |
The Role of Interpersonal Identity Statuses in Predicting the Attitudes of Married People toward Love (3738 دریافت) |
The Moderating Role of Personality Dimensions in the relationship between Brain-Behavioral Systems and Multiple Sclerosis Severity (3736 دریافت) |
EFL Learners’ Beliefs about Language Learning, Concern over Mistakes, and Language Achievement: Investigating Possible Relationships in an Iranian Context (3735 دریافت) |
Job Crafting and its Outcomes (3734 دریافت) |
A Study of Causal Relationship between Attitude, Self-Esteem, Ambiguity Tolerance, Locus of Control, and Language Proficiency of Iranian learners of the English as a Foreign Language (3734 دریافت) |
Psychotherapy in children, examining the effectiveness of parent-child interaction therapy on depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in children, a randomized clinical trial (3730 دریافت) |
Influence of Age and Gender on Emotional Skin Response (3718 دریافت) |
The Associations between Impulsivity, Loneliness, Social Support and Suicide Ideation in Ahwaz Metropolitan Male Drug Dependents (3718 دریافت) |
... آمار بیشتر |
مطالبی که بیشترین بازدید را داشتهاند |
درباره نشریه ( 5442 بازدید) |
راهنمای نگارش مقاله ( 4430 بازدید) |
توضیحات ( 4057 بازدید) |
ابر کلیدواژگان ( 3639 بازدید) |
تماس با ما ( 3500 بازدید) |
طرح های آزمایشی و شبه آزمایشی ( 3445 بازدید) |
طرح های آزمایشی و شبه آزمایشی ( 3433 بازدید) |
زمانبندی ارزیابی مقالات ( 2873 بازدید) |
داوران ( 2805 بازدید) |
اشتراک نسخه چاپی ( 2494 بازدید) |
فرم تعهد نامه ( 2481 بازدید) |
شناسه Dor و Doi ( 2479 بازدید) |
انتشار الکترونیکی مجله ( 2468 بازدید) |
بانک ها و نمایه نامه ها ( 2456 بازدید) |
دریافت هزینه چاپ و بررسی اولیه مقالات ( 2411 بازدید) |
فرایند ارزیابی مقالات ( 2393 بازدید) |
سیاست انتشار نشریه ( 2382 بازدید) |
شورای دبیران ( 2379 بازدید) |
سیاست های مالی ( 2356 بازدید) |
اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله ( 2272 بازدید) |
اهداف و زمینه ها ( 2266 بازدید) |
روایی درونی ( 2203 بازدید) |
... آمار بیشتر |
مطالبی که بیشتر به دوستان فرستاده شدهاند |
صفحه اصلی ( 1 ارسال) |
... آمار بیشتر |
مطالبی که بیشتر چاپ شدهاند |
توضیحات ( 403 چاپ) |
درباره نشریه ( 396 چاپ) |
فرایند ارزیابی مقالات ( 358 چاپ) |
سیاست انتشار نشریه ( 355 چاپ) |
بانک ها و نمایه نامه ها ( 329 چاپ) |
شورای دبیران ( 324 چاپ) |
داوران ( 306 چاپ) |
فرم تعهد نامه ( 304 چاپ) |
دریافت هزینه چاپ و بررسی اولیه مقالات ( 301 چاپ) |
تماس با ما ( 299 چاپ) |
اصول اخلاقی انتشار مقاله ( 298 چاپ) |
انتشار الکترونیکی مجله ( 294 چاپ) |
سیاست های مالی ( 292 چاپ) |
ابر کلیدواژگان ( 291 چاپ) |
اشتراک نسخه چاپی ( 288 چاپ) |
زمانبندی ارزیابی مقالات ( 287 چاپ) |
راهنمای نگارش مقاله ( 285 چاپ) |
شناسه Dor و Doi ( 282 چاپ) |
سیاست تعارض منافع ( 282 چاپ) |
اهداف و زمینه ها ( 280 چاپ) |
... آمار بیشتر |